Tummy tucks, or abdominoplasties, are one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures across America. Both men and women undergo a tummy tuck to remove excess skin tissue and fat caused by extreme weight loss or pregnancy, but there are several medical benefits of tummy tucks, which are often overlooked. An abdominoplasty can tighten your abdominal muscles and give you a flatter stomach, but it can also aid in these medical issues:
It’s common for women to develop incontinence after giving birth vaginally. Exercising, sneezing and even laughing can cause you to lose control of your bladder and lead to embarrassing situations. A tummy tuck can treat SUI by creating a small bladder obstruction using your soft tissue in the pelvic region. Many women choose to have a mommy makeover to reverse the effects of pregnancy on their abdomen and breasts.
Weakened abdominal muscles can lead to poor posture and cause your lower back to curve inward. One of the main functions of an abdominoplasty is to tighten abdominal muscles. By strengthening the abdomen, a tummy tuck allows for your muscles to better support your spine and alleviate some types of back pain.
Ventral hernias happen when abdominal tissue or intestine breaks through your abdominal wall. This causes a pocket to form and can be the result of extreme weight loss and surgeries such as a caesarean or an appendectomy. Adding a tummy tuck to the hernia repair can prevent future hernias from forming.
Studies have shown that men and women are more likely to keep their weight under control after an abdominoplasty. Patients are often reinvigorated to maintain their figure and show off their flat, toned abdomen. You may even have a higher tolerance for exercise as well.
If you’re interested in a tummy tuck, please call our board-certified plastic surgeon in Maryland today at 301-567-6767 to schedule your consultation. Bella Cosmetic Surgery serves clients in Maryland, Washington DC and Alexandria and Fairfax, Virginia.