Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in National Harbor Accepting New Patients Near Washington DC, Arlington, Fort Washington, Maryland & Virginia
Over the years, our genetics, our lifestyles, and our fading youth can take a toll on our bodies. If you’ve been working hard at the gym and eating a well-balanced diet but you still aren’t getting the results you want, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Chiaramonte, can help. At Bella Cosmetic Surgery, we offer our Maryland patients the most advanced body contouring procedures available to help both men and women achieve their aesthetic goals and maintain their self-image.
If you are in the Maryland or Alexandria, Virginia region and would like to find out how body sculpting surgery can improve your appearance, call our office at 301-567-6767 to schedule your personal consultation for body contouring in Maryland and DC.
Dr. Michael F. Chiaramonte serves as Medical Director of Bella Cosmetic Surgery in National Harbor, Maryland and often practices in Alexandria, VA. Dr. Chiaramonte is the plastic surgeon Maryland patients count on for procedures on faces, breasts, and bodies. He also has a strong interest in downtime-minimizing nonsurgical techniques. He is a past clinical instructor of plastic surgery at Johns Hopkins.
To learn how Dr. Chiaramonte can help you achieve your personal goals, please contact Bella Cosmetic Surgery today by completing the form on this page, or by calling 301-567-6767. Dr. Chiaramonte welcomes patients from Maryland, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia.
Whether you want to target one specific imperfection or you hope to improve the overall appearance of your physique, our body contouring procedures will serve your needs. Some of the most popular body contouring procedures Bella Cosmetic Surgery offers include:
Additional body procedures we offer include:
The best way to determine which Maryland or DC body contouring procedure is right for you is to let Dr. Chiaramonte assess your individual needs and goals during your personal consultation. Based on his evaluation and your personal preferences, he can help you make a well-informed decision about your body contouring options.
If you want to transform your self-image with body contouring in Maryland and DC, contact Bella Cosmetic Surgery online or at 301-567-6767 to schedule your consultation with our experienced plastic surgeon. Our National Harbor office also provides services to patients in the Alexandria, Virginia, and Washington D.C. areas.