Dr. Michael Chiaramonte is proud to offer his patients the option of an eyelid lift, also known as blepharoplasty. This facial procedure restores a more youthful, vibrant facial appearance by removing puffy, sagging eyelid skin and lower eyelid bags. Below are three common questions about the procedure.
Many patients find that their vision improves to some extent after having an eyelid lift. This is particularly pronounced in patients whose upper eyelids had been obscuring their field of vision. During the recovery period after blepharoplasty, patients may notice that they experience moments of blurred or double vision. Light sensitivity is also common. These are normal side effects that we expect to resolve once the eyes have fully recovered from the procedure.
Blepharoplasty surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis. The procedure is usually performed in the office using a local anesthetic. Patients may also receive a mild sedative to maximize comfort. It is necessary that the patient have a loved one escort them to the office and drive them home after their surgery.
During the blepharoplasty procedure, the doctor first numbs the area by administering local anesthetic via small injections around the eyelid. When performing upper blepharoplasty, the surgeon makes incisions in the natural crease of the numbed eyelid. Lower blepharoplasty may be performed through incisions at the lash line or just inside of the lower lid. Working within the incisions, the surgeon may remove or reposition fatty tissue. The loose muscle and skin are tightened and stitched into place. Excess tissue is trimmed. The entire procedure may take 45 minutes to two hours.
After upper or lower blepharoplasty, patients can expect side effects such as:
Generally, bruising resolves over two to three weeks. Swelling gradually resolves but may take up to eight weeks to go away completely. The amount of swelling that remains after five to 10 days is minimal enough that patients generally return to work and light activities. Scarring, though hidden, diminishes much more slowly. We typically see the full resolution of scarring occur over at least one year. After that time, the incisions may be completely indistinguishable.
If you are ready to find out if you are a good candidate for the blepharoplasty procedure in Maryland, please call Bella Cosmetic Surgery at 301-567-6767. In National Harbor, Dr. Michael Chiaramonte looks forward to helping you consider all of your facial rejuvenation options.