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Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon In National Harbor Accepting New Patients Near Washington DC, Arlington, Fort Washington, Maryland & Virginia

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Bella Cosmetic Surgery is rated 5 out of 5.0 based on 69 ratings.

Dr. Chiaramonte takes the time to listen to your request. He does a thorough review and recommends only what is best for you. His surgery skills are above reproach. Service fees are reasonable and the Bella Cosmetic Staff of fantastic. I would recommend Dr. Chiaramonte for any plastic surgery needs.

Mordessia Robinson
Jessica Morris

I choose Dr. Michael Chiaramonte as my Plastic Surgeon when, I was known as Debbie Meyerson. With that said ;WTS), after doing major review online about him & his company was knew after my 1st consultation w him and his amazing & gorgeous staff that I would let him operate on me!! Dr. Chiaramonte did an excellent job on my tummy tuck & he even remembered to personally put on those “Boots” on me so I would not get blood clots. I’m A Prophetess, and God has spoken to me about Dr. Michael Chiaramonte, and he says he is ONE of the only Plastic Surgeons that HE God Almighty trusts.

Deborah Buitrago
lisa pasini

The whole experience with Bella beginning with the first phone call to schedule a consult, to the appointments leading up to my procedure, and post-ops have all been incredibly wonderful. The facility is immaculate, I love how everything takes place in-house, and the staff are incredibly patient and sensitive to the multitude of questions I asked. I highly recommend and would go back in the future.

Sarah Roe

Sarah customized treatments for me that really made a difference. Thank you!

Margaret Williams

As a new patient who has never experienced neurotoxin and filler I was slightly nervous. Sarah explained in detail my treatment plan and what would provide me with the results I wanted. Her guidance, professionalism, and sweet disposition made me feel extremely comfortable. I loved my experience and would recommend anyone to see Sarah! I can’t wait to continue my treatments with her in the near future!!!

John Willard

Had my first ever Botox done with Sarah and she was amazing! Made me feel comfortable and explained everything she was doing. Results were so good!! She also just did filler in my lips and I couldn’t be happier! I wish I came to this office sooner. ????

Krystal Abdalla

I did a lot of research before I decided on a surgeon and I am so glad I chose Dr. Chiaramonte. He along with all of the staff gave outstanding customer service before and after my surgery. Kristine and Denise answered all my questions and made me feel very comfortable and confident in my decision. I am very satisfied with my results and recommend Bella Cosmetics to anyone ????.

Ovette Finnell
C Girerd


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