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Dr. Chiaramonte and Dr. Costeloe are proud to offer non-surgical skin, face and body rejuvenation services to patients in Alexandria, Washington DC, Arlington, Fort Washington, Maryland and Virginia. While plastic surgery can provide stunning results for your appearance, sometimes non-surgical procedures can provide similar results without the extra preparation and recovery. To help you achieve all of your cosmetic goals, our team, Dr. Chiaramonte, and Dr. Costeloe are pleased to offer our Maryland and Alexandria, Virginia patients a full range of custom skin care products as well as a variety of minimally invasive aesthetic treatments at our Med Spa in Maryland and DC.

To find out more about the skin care treatments and aesthetic services we offer, call our Spa Bella Skin Care and Laser Center at 301-567-6767 today.

For patients who wish to turn back the hands of time without undergoing plastic surgery, our MedSpa’s anti-aging treatments in Maryland and DC can be an ideal alternative
Chemical peels (often called “chemosurgery”) can be used to eliminate the top parts of areas of skin that have been damaged by age, sun exposure, or other natural factors.
There are more facial rejuvenation options available than ever before, allowing you to turn back the clock and restore a more youthful appearance.
Has your youthful appearance been marred by persistent lines and wrinkles? Dysport® could be your solution.
In Maryland, skin care goes far beyond the face. While many people take preventative care of their faces and bodies, the care of hands often goes overlooked.
Removing unwanted hair can be a hassle. Grooming options such as tweezing, shaving and waxing can be both time consuming and painful.
Modern advances in cosmetic laser technology allow you to address a wide range of skin conditions and aesthetic goals safely and effectively.
Medical microdermabrasion can be performed as a stand-alone treatment or combined with a chemical peel for enhanced skin tone and smoothness.
At Bella Cosmetic Surgery, we offer the latest and most advanced facial rejuvenation options available in order to deliver the beautiful results you desire.
Non-surgical cosmetic treatments have come a long way in recent years. They’ve become an extremely effective way to achieve a wide range of aesthetic goals, including an improved buttocks appearance.
During the program, we provide patients support to help them adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Our Spa Bella MedSpa offers our own line of medical-grade skin care products to address all skin types.

Real Patient Results

My results turned out to be much better than expected and I am so happy with the way they look and feel. Dr.Chiaramonte is a phenomenal surgeon and would never think of going to anyone else!
Dr Chiaramonte is very professional and made me feel like I was in the best hands. He was very thorough and explained the whole procedure to me and did not make me feel rushed when asking questions. I would highly recommend Dr Chiaramonte to any friend or family member.
In searching for a doctor to perform my breast augmentation, I came upon Bella Cosmetics through a google search for plastic surgeons in Maryland. I corresponded with Denise, the coordinator for Dr. Chiaramonte. She was always very friendly, professional and helpful, and the rest of the staff were very amiable and welcoming. During my first (and second, and third) meeting with Dr. Chiaramonte he was very informative, patient and understanding. It is great that he takes the time out of his busy schedule to sit down for complimentary consultations. Although I ultimately decided against the surgery (for the time being), I had a great experience with Dr. Chiaramonte, as well as the staff at Bella Cosmetics. Would recommend to anyone!
CJ Wash
Dr. Chiaramonte exceeded my expectations. I am a month post-op from having the Bella Body Lift. Dr. C and his knowledgeable staff were patient and attentive to my questions and concerns. He provided realistic expectations for achieving the desired hourglass figure that was hidden under the markings of birthing two children and lousy eating habits. The figure has since returned better than ever. I am grateful to Dr. C for restoring my self-confidence and will certainly consider him for future services.
The entire office is fantastic, highly professional and so caring. And the smiles that come in and leave the office are amazing. Clients are happy with their results. And Dr. Chiaramonte is the best all-around. He is So kind and extremely skilled. Love you all Bella !

MedSpa Services We Offer

Med Spa National Harbor MD

Whether you aim to minimize the effects of aging or you want to target specific imperfections, our MedSpa treatments in Maryland and DC can help. Our main aesthetic services include:

Anti-Aging Treatments

Minimally invasive cosmetic treatments include procedures such as micro-needling, dermal fillers, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments and injections with neuromodulators like Botox or Dysport that only break the skin with a small needle. When plastic surgery is not an option, you can still reduce the signs of aging with our nonsurgical options:

Laser Treatments

These non-surgical treatments are ideal for improving your skin and removing unwanted hair follicles with minimal downtime and instant results. Some of our treatments include:

Schedule Your Maryland and DC Med Spa Treatments Today

If you think our med spa services in Maryland and DC can help you achieve the improvements you are seeking, contact Bella Cosmetic Surgery today online or by phone at 301-567-6767 to schedule an appointment. In addition to serving our Maryland patients, we also provide aesthetic services to patients in the Alexandria, Virginia, and Washington D.C. areas.