There are many forms of plastic surgery. Each one is designed to improve a particular area of your body, but often, men and women have multiple body issues they’d like to address all at once. Our plastic surgeon, Dr. Chiaramonte, developed the Bella Boldy Lift Makeover to help patients achieve their desired outcome without having to undergo several procedures. The Bella Body Lift combines a tummy tuck and liposuction into what Dr. Chiaramonte has termed, “lipoabdominoplasty.”
An abdominoplasty procedure removes excess skin tissue and tightens underlying abdominal muscles, but doesn’t address any surplus fat. Liposuction gets rid of unwanted fat but doesn’t do any skin tightening or tissue removal. Many of our Maryland patients struggle with both issues. By combining the two procedures into the Bella Body Lift, Dr. Chiaramonte can sculpt the figure you’re looking for in one procedure.
The best candidates for the Bella Body Lift are at or close to their goal weight, but have loose skin and residual fat. Sagging skin tissue and fat deposits can make the shape of your body seem disproportionate. Dr. Chiaramonte’s signature “lipoabdominoplasty” procedure excises the loose tissue and also removes fat from areas such as your:
The combination of liposuction and a tummy tuck not only saves you money but prevents you from having to go under anesthesia and through the recovery process twice.
Dr. Chiaramonte is a board-certified plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience with a special focus on breast augmentation, tummy tucks and mommy makeovers.
If you’re interested in a Bella Body Lift Makeover, please contact our plastic surgery office in Maryland today at 301-567-6767 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Chiaramonte. Bella Cosmetic Surgery serves clients in Maryland, Washington DC and Alexandria and Fairfax, Virginia.