Rhinoplasty remains a favored cosmetic surgery procedure among people in the United States! According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nose surgery was the number 1 procedure overall in 2020 with 352,555 procedures performed, and the number 1 procedure for men with 65,121 procedures performed last year.
If you’re curious about nose reshaping, we hope you will arrange a consultation with Dr. Michael Chiaramonte to discuss the procedure. In the meantime, here are the answers to some of the top questions we hear about rhinoplasty:
Am I a candidate for rhinoplasty? You may be a candidate for rhinoplasty if you are unhappy with any of the following –
Dr. Chiaramonte is happy to determine your candidacy during your consultation. In addition to listening to your concerns and goals, he will examine your nose, facial structure, and review your medical history to make sure this facial procedure is a good match.
Will the procedure be painful? You will be anesthetized for the procedure itself, so you will not experience any discomfort while the nasal adjustments are made. Once you are awake, you will likely feel some soreness and discomfort around your nose, but most people report this is mild and feel much better after a day or two. Most people experience nasal congestion and the feeling of being “stuffed up.” This too should get much better within the first week.
How long is the recovery? Most people take about one week off from work. Most routine activities can be resumed after two weeks, and you should plan to take four to six weeks off from strenuous activities and exercise. Your initial results should start looking good after three weeks, with near-final results several months later, then minor changes in shape and swelling persisting for up to a year.
How long will the results last? They’re virtually permanent! The new shape of your nose should persist unless you experience an injury or nose trauma. There is also a bit of drooping and loss of elasticity that occurs naturally with age, but this shouldn’t dramatically change the shape of your nose.
If you are interested in rhinoplasty and live in Oxon Hill, MD, or the surrounding areas, please arrange a consultation with experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Chiaramonte by calling Bella Cosmetic Surgery at 301-567-6767.