Non-surgical procedures provide beautiful, natural results without the incisions, anesthesia, cost, or downtime associated with surgery. Many people combine non-surgical and surgical treatments to get optimal results. Other people decide to dip their toe into beauty and rejuvenation with non-surgical options first.
At Bella Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Chiaramonte and our team provide a very wide array of minimally invasive and non-surgical options. They can be closely tailored to your goals and what you want to achieve. Some of the most popular treatments are:
Non-surgical treatments can do it all. They smooth wrinkles, improve skin texture, erase sun damage, reduce excess fat on the body, and more! While the face is the most common area for these non-surgical services, many of the treatments are specifically designed for the body – the tummy, legs, arms, etc.
We know from statistics that non-surgical services are some of the most popular across the United States! More people opt for these treatments with each passing year. So why are they so great? Here are just a few of the reasons:
Many treatments can be combined, such as Dysport and dermal fillers in one appointment. On the other hand, all of the treatments can be performed as standalones, which makes them highly convenient and easy for our patients to work into their schedules. For example, Dysport injections can be administered in a very brief appointment, so brief that you can fit it into your lunch break. Convenience is perhaps one of the most beloved features of these services, because you can get the results quickly and with minimal time investment.
If you are interested in a non-surgical cosmetic procedure in the area of Oxon Hill, MD, please call Bella Cosmetic Surgery at 301-567-6767. Dr. Chiaramonte and our team are passionate about helping each of our patients find the right combination of treatments to achieve their aesthetic goals.