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Major Changes With Minor Risk: Which Non-Invasive Procedure Is Right For You?

If you’re looking to give your complexion a youthful lift or rid yourself of an unsightly blemish, Bella Cosmetic Surgery performs a variety of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures that can help you achieve your desired results. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Chiaramonte has experience performing everything from liposuction to breast augmentation and facial reconstructive procedures. But these drastic changes are not right for some people.

Why not?

All surgery demands recovery time, and some procedures require more than others. Many people simply cannot fit the required downtime of surgery into their schedules. Similarly, many people decide to pass on surgical procedures because of the price.

This doesn’t mean that improving their appearances will be impossible for these people. There are many procedures out there that are affordable and require a short enough downtime. If you’re interested in improving your appearance with a skilled plastic surgeon, find out which non-invasive procedure is right for you:

  • Anti-Aging Procedures
    • Wrinkle fillers and other injectables, including the ever-popular Botox, are just some of the anti-aging products and procedures available at Bella Cosmetic Surgery. Dermal fillers like Restylane are compounds that are injected below the skin’s surface to remove wrinkles and deliver a vibrant, youthful, countenance. Each of these procedures will last several months.
  • Skin Care
    • Microdermabrasion, laser hair removal, micro-peel treatments, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing, are all designed to affect larger areas of the skin than the aforementioned anti-aging procedures. But the goal is the same: deliver a more vibrant appearance. These treatments remove the uppermost layer of skin, using laser technology to target sunspots, blemishes, and more.

This short list only scratches the surface of the procedures we perform at Bella Cosmetic Surgery. Contact us today and get a free consultation with Dr. Michael Chiaramonte to discover what non-invasive procedures can work for you.


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