Patient Selfies

Your Tummy Tuck Do And Don’t Recovery Guide

Abdominal fat can be some of the most challenging fatty tissue to eliminate. This is because so many factors influence this type of fat, from our genes to our stress level to our age. If you continue to struggle with loose, lax abdominal tissue even after achieving some weight loss goals, you haven’t yet truly reached your desired outcome. Weight loss is to be applauded regardless, but looking and feeling great is a significant reward you don’t want to miss out on. To enjoy this reward, you may seek tummy tuck surgery.

Tummy tuck surgery, which we refer to as abdominoplasty, is a popular body contouring procedure that goes beyond eliminating unwanted fat. During this procedure, the doctor carefully tightens loose abdominal muscle. In some cases, it is necessary to repair muscle separation that has occurred as a result of weight or pregnancy. After trimming excess muscle, the doctor also trims some amount of fatty tissue and an appropriate amount of skin to achieve smooth, sculpted contouring. Because this procedure is somewhat in-depth, it is necessary to plan well for recovery. Here, we outline a few Do’s and Don’ts.

Do Make Post-Surgery Arrangements In Advance

The last thing you want as surgery day approaches is to feel stressed about loose ends. When your tummy tuck is put on the schedule, that is the time to start wrapping up current projects at work and at home. Because your home will be your recovery center, it is advantageous to address projects and cleaning prior to surgery. In addition, gather supplies, medications, and entertainment to keep you comfortable and occupied on days during which you’re relatively sedentary.

Don’t Overdo It

For the first few days after surgery, most patients are pretty fatigued and feel like doing very little. Once the effects of anesthesia wear off and the body gets into its groove of healing, you may gain some energy. This is not the time to resume all of your normal activities. While you may feel well enough after a week or two, you should still refrain from the urge to clean up around the house, do the grocery shopping or cooking, and carrying pets and kids.

Don’t Underdo It

Getting too little activity and movement is just as detrimental as getting too much. After your tummy tuck, you will stand stooped for a couple of weeks. This should not prevent you from getting up and walking around the house. Walking is necessary to prevent complications like blood clots in the legs, so it should be done at least a few times a day.

Do Be Patient With Your Results

Abdominoplasty is a body contouring procedure that can achieve outstanding results that last many years, if not indefinitely. The longevity of tummy tuck results should be kept in mind during the first month of recovery when swelling and bruising may be more pronounced and the abdominal muscles may be uncomfortably tight for a short time. Patience is key in completing your tummy tuck recovery. We can assure you there are beautiful results on the other side of your brief downtime.

The team at Bella Cosmetic Surgery is here to help you feel your best. Contact us at 301-567-6767 to schedule your tummy tuck consultation.


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