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Common Misconceptions About BOTOX® Cosmetic And Dysport

Wrinkle relaxers such as BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport are the most popular nonsurgical cosmetic treatments performed each year. Chances are likely that you know someone who has undergone this procedure. If you’re reading this, it’s also likely that you’re considering BOTOX® Cosmetic or Dysport yourself.

There is a good reason why these treatments are so popular. When performed by a skilled and experienced provider, they achieve great results with minimal, if any, risks or side effects. However, this immense popularity also results in a great deal of misinformation and myths that may prevent you from making an informed decision about your treatment options. Below, we’re going to debunk several of the most common myths about BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport.

Myth: BOTOX® Cosmetic And Dysport Are Only For “Old People”

Many young people seek these treatments. In fact, Dr. Chiaramonte administers this procedure on patients as young as 20 years old. There are several reasons you may want to consider BOTOX® Cosmetic or Dysport in your 20s or 30s:

  • You are starting to see the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles at the corners of your eyes (crow’s feet) or your forehead, and you feel these lines make you look older than you are. BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport are highly effective in reducing the appearance of fine lines in these regions.
  • You would like to be proactive and start preventing wrinkles before they develop. Using BOTOX® Cosmetic or Dysport at an early age can help delay the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, helping you maintain a more youthful appearance for years to come.

Myth: If I Get BOTOX® Cosmetic Or Dysport, I Will Have A Frozen, Unnatural And Expressionless Appearance

BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport deliver beautiful, natural looking results. If your face looks frozen and expressionless after your procedure, it is most likely due to working with an inexperienced provider who hasn’t received the training necessary to administer your treatment properly.

In order to avoid this situation, you should always work with a board-certified plastic surgeon or a licensed aesthetician who has undergone extensive training in administering BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport treatments. This will ensure your injections are placed in the proper location and the right amount is used.

Myth: I Will Look Worse If I Discontinue Using BOTOX® Cosmetic Or Dysport

This is one of the most common misconceptions about BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport. Your results typically last about four months. After that, you will continue to age in a normal manner. You won’t experience more severe wrinkles due to your treatment.

With regular use of BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport, you can actually prevent the development of fine lines and wrinkles in your treatment region. However, you may still experience signs of aging in other areas that haven’t been addressed with your injections.

Contact Our Maryland Plastic Surgeon

Please contact Bella Cosmetic Surgery using the form on this page or call 301-567-6767 today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in Maryland, Washington DC and Northern Virginia.


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