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How Long Does Breast Augmentation Take?

If you have been considering breast enlargement, you may have wondered how much time and effort will be involved. It’s important to know that this is a serious surgical procedure. Although elective, it does require careful planning and preparation, which our team is ready to help with!

The time component can be broken into three categories:

The Planning And Consultation Process.

Once you call our office, we will arrange a consultation for you at a time that fits your schedule and Dr. Chiaramonte’s availability. This appointment at our office will include a discussion of your goals, an exam of the breasts to determine if breast augmentation is recommended, as well as thorough Q & A time with the doctor.

Once you’ve decided to elect breast augmentation, our team will inform you of scheduling availability and provide all necessary pre-care instructions. It shouldn’t take too much time for you to get your home and schedule ready. You should prepare a recovery area at home with comfy pillows and entertainment, make some frozen meals ahead of time, and clear your schedule. Most people are able to do all these things over the course of a couple days or so.

The Procedure.

Breast augmentation takes 1-2 hours. But you will need to set aside the whole day for the procedure. We will let you know how early to arrive, and how to prepare. You will need to have arranged for someone to bring you home – your spouse, a family member, friend, etc. You cannot use a ride app or taxi service to get home; it needs to be a trusted person you know.

The Recovery.

The recovery is the most time-consuming phase, but it’s also critically important. Following all the instructions will help ensure a successful healing period and great results. Generally, you will take about 1-2 weeks off from work, and you will be able to return to full and strenuous activities after 1 month. Dr. Chiaramonte will make sure you know all of the other instructions for recovery, including diet, follow up appointments, exercise, heavy lifting, etc.

Planning Is Easier With The Help Of An Experienced Team

If you are ready to take the next step and find out if you are a breast augmentation candidate, please arrange a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Chiaramonte, by calling Bella Cosmetic Surgery in Oxon Hill, MD, at 301-567-6767.


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