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How A Tummy Tuck Can Restore A Flat Stomach After Pregnancy

our body goes through a variety of changes during pregnancy, and your abdominal region is one of the areas that will be impacted the most. While a healthy diet and regular exercise are important to restore your pre-pregnancy figure, these efforts can only do so much. Some of the changes to your abdominal region caused by pregnancy can only be addressed with surgery. If you’ve had difficulty restoring a toned, flat stomach after having children, a tummy tuck may be an excellent option for you.

We encourage you to view the slide presentation below to learn more about the ways pregnancy impacts your body and how a tummy tuck can help put the finishing touches on your workout efforts in order to restore your pre-pregnancy appearance.

Please contact Bella Cosmetic Surgery using the form on this page or call 301-567-6767 today to schedule a tummy tuck consultation. We serve patients in Maryland, Washington DC and Northern Virginia.


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