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Breast Lift Recovery Timeline

In total, it takes most patients approximately 6 weeks to recover from their breast lift surgery. During this time, it is important to follow Dr. Michael Chiaramonte’s post-operative instructions to ensure that there are no complications with healing. By making just a few changes to your routine, you will be able to enjoy your results sooner rather than later. Here’s what you can expect during your breast lift recovery.

Week One

When you exit your surgery, you will need someone to drive you home since you will still be under the effects of anesthesia. Before you leave, Dr. Chiaramonte will put dressings around the surgical area and dress you with a compression bra to provide some support. You may also have small drainage tubes attached to your incisions. While you will notice the change in your breast shape, your final results will become more apparent over the coming weeks.

During the first three days or so, you may experience moderate pain and discomfort, which can be managed with some pain medication. You will then have a follow up with Dr. Chiaramonte to have your bandages and drainage tubes removed. At this time, it is important to rest as much as you can. However, you should get up a walk around your home every 1-2 hours to encourage blood flow.

Weeks 2-4

Your pain should gradually subside during this stage of recovery. In addition, your incision sites will be mostly healed. To make sure you don’t put unnecessary stress on your breasts, avoid strenuous physical activity until about week 4. Once you reach the fourth week, Dr. Chiaramonte will let you know if it is safe to start light exercise again.

Weeks 5-6

At this point, you can stop wearing your compression bra and return to most of your normal activities. The pain and swelling should be mostly gone, and your scars should start flattening over the next few months.

If you have any questions about breast lift recovery or are interested in having a breast lift procedure, call Bella Cosmetic Surgery today at 301-567-6767 to schedule a consultation. Dr. Chiaramonte will develop a custom procedure that meets your aesthetic goals. We welcome patients living in Washington D.C., Arlington, Fort Washington, and throughout the states of Maryland and Virginia.


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